BodyMedia Fit Review – Armed and Ready by Girlie Gadgets

BodyMedia Fit Armband Endorsed by Jillian Michaels
BodyMedia Fit Armband Endorsed by Jillian Michaels

There is nothing quite like looking at a photo of yourself and noticing how round your face is getting not to mention other parts of your anatomy. What is going on?  You have been trying to eat right, in fact most items in your fridge aren’t foods you love to eat they are foods that are good for you.  You have been going to that Zumba class you signed up for and still there is no mistaking that those pudgy cheeks in the photo are indeed yours.

Do you want to know what’s going on?  Simply the fact that you don’t know what is going on, really.   That is what I started to realize once I started to use and review the BodyMedia FIT Core armband and display.  The armband measures your motion, physical activities, steps taken and a number of other things to track your calorie burn.  Once you have set up your BodyMedia Activity Manager account online that is when things really start to get interesting.

You’ve heard the ole’ “calories in, calories out” theory but what became abundantly apparent to me once I started to use the BodyMedia Fit armband is that until you have these tools to truly tell you what you are doing and not just what you are positive/think you are doing, it is a tough slog to loose weight and get in shape.

I know because after working out with a personal trainer for 18 months, putting myself on a limited calorie Vegan diet for 6 months, I was hardly losing weight. I was so frustrated. Once I started to wear the BodyMedia Fit armband and started to sync it to my online account things not only started to make sense but it became a game to me. Two months into reviewing the BodyMedia Fit I’ve lost 14 pounds, buying smaller size clothing and friends are telling me how great I look.

Once you have your BodyMedia armband, you go online to and set up your account. In your BodyMedia account you have a Activity Manager dashboard that tells you things like calories burned, calories deficit, physical activity and steps taken. The BodyMedia Fit also tracks your sleep patterns to tell you how much sleep you are truly getting and when. There is a food log where you input what you’ve eaten for the day. You don’t need to know the calorie, fat, carb intake of the food because the program will seek out that information for you. It then tallies how many calories you’ve taken in along with the total fat, carbs and so forth. Daily, you sync your armband to your account and it inputs activity and steps taken.

What is so great is that you really start to focus on what you are doing with activity and nutrition on a daily basis. Once you sync and log your food intake, I found you really just have to look at two numbers – calories burned and calorie intake. You better see more calories burned than you’ve taken in or guess what? the needle on that scale isn’t about to drop.

The armband is very comfortable to wear and once you get it adjusted you don’t even know that it is on your arm. To set up and sync the armband to your online account is very simple and straight forward. The armband tracks all of your physical activity so you don’t need to manually input. Besides the armband syncing your physical activity, the food log keeps a memory of what you’ve logged, so if you are a person like me who tends to repeat the same foods daily, in one click you can log those foods again.In order to monitor your sleep patterns you need to wear the armband when you sleep and that’s easy to do.

As far as activity, I need to know what I’ve been doing on a fairly frequent basis or I am back to “thinking” I have been oh so active so having the display clip on to tell me what the armband is monitoring is essential for me. Though I haven’t reviewed it, I think the BodyMedia FIT LINK armband with Bluetooth technology that sends real time results to the BodyMedia FIT app for your mobile device would be very handy.

I would really like to stay and chat with you a bit longer but if I don’t start moving my “calories in” will be greater than my “calories out” and nobody wants that.

About GirlieGadgets

In search of where glamour meets technology, GirlieGadgets by Crazyfunbabe walks the red carpet of technology to find out what a girl really wants, what a girl really needs and then we tell a girl how to get it!
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